Woman Yelling at a Cat New Orleans Saints shirt

It was Europeans who first brought measles and a few other diseases to the Pacific islands, Woman Yelling at a Cat New Orleans Saints shirt as well as the Americas centuries ago. Is there something in European genes that either conveys immunity or helps reduce the severity? Lynda Gruntorad That is close to 2% of the entire population. That may not seem like much but just think about if two out of every 100 kids died from just measles alone. Then remember how many childhood illnesses there are.measles, etc. before vaccines were discovered. Easy to lob the anti-vax grenade when most of these diseases have had a very low prevalence in developed countries for your entire lifetime (assume you are living in such a country). Let’s see how happy we aren’t if/when these diseases make a resurgence because people refuse to vaccinate their children.


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